Monday, August 24, 2009

There you go.

Finally, a new skin. Thanks to both Raina Scherzinger and Cah Ayu for the great links.

It's very.... sunny, don't you think? LOL.

To be frank, I wanted to choose something dark and misty as if I am someone who is full of secrets. But no, that's not who I really am.

I talk loud, I laugh a lot, and I appreciate happy times God has given me. So yeah, this new skin probably says it all.

There's a few minor bugs if you view my blog via IE. But heck I'm too lazy to figure it out. I have more than enough defects fixing in my work.

I took Emergency Leave today and I barely had a good excuse. I woke up this morning feeling weak and dizzy. I always feel dizzy, almost every day. Sometimes if I sit in front of the pc too long, my head feels like exploding. You might guess my blood sugar could be high or low or my blood pressure is high. I've checked. My blood sugar is 4.7 and my blood pressure is normal.

It's something else.

Anyway, hope you like my new skin. I know it's too bright. Hehe.



Sang Hidup di Dunia said...

haish, tak sah tak letak foto menggoda...


Sang Hidup di Dunia said...

oh btw, change my link yea.. blogspot, bukan wordpress hohoho

@yU said...

ceittt.. menggoda apenyee..
oh alamak ye ke? hahaha baiklah.

bern said...

happy like yu!