Saturday, January 30, 2010

The happiness you gave me.

In one of my recent entries, I mentioned about my China coders right?

A day later, the one who I missed so much after he ended his contract with my company's project suddenly IM me when I was busy doing my work. After a long silence (probably had been a year), he came back out of the blue. I was so surprised I almost screamed in front of my PC. What an unusual odd, he came right after I mentioned about him in my blog.

It was such a lovely surprise. Definitely the best surprise I had so far this year. I was extremely excited, I had to reply his messages in capital words.

Suddenly he went offline. I was like, "Was that just a dream?" Thus, I e-mailed him quickly, "HEY WHERE DID YOU GO? PLEASE ONLINE =( "

I guess I was a little paranoid at that moment. Haha. But seconds later, he went online again and apologized.

I couldn't stop but storming him with questions. I mean, how could he join us back? How is that even possible?! I never ever thought he would come back, working on a new project with my company. I was so excited, I couldn't do my work eventhough it was piling up like hell.

Anyway, image below is something I'd like to share on how people actually do their work, including me. Hahaha.

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