Thursday, March 20, 2008

Kajian Bahasa Melayu (ha-ha)

1. cerita disebalik nama kamu?
>> my name was supposed to be ayu n*r*f*dah but when my dad filled up the birth certificate, he suddenly thought n*r*f*dah was like a bit too kampung, so he chucked off the h. wise decision.

2. perhiasan yg kamu pakai setiap hari?
>> my necklace my parents gave for my birthday.

3. dari mana kamu dapat survey ini?
>> frenster.

4. kamu pakai berus gigi apa?
>> Oral B rasanye.

5. apa yang akan kamu lakukan lepas ni?
>> kot ye pun survey bm, jgn la skema sgt. sape create ni? Ish ish. pasni gi turun bawah, tgk american idol.

6. kamu suka lilin?
>> tak, pembaziran. skali pakai, cair, habis.

7. kamu boleh makan guna chopstick?
>> tak boleh langsunggg.

8. gula2 mint yang kamu suka?
>> dulu aku suke halls. pastu ade satu ari sbb duk makan spnjang ari, lidah berdarah. trus xnak dah. skrg, takde yg suke.

9. berapa org yg dah view profile kamu setakat ni? <--kate survey melayu?
>> frenster ler ni.. tadi sratus lebih.

10. minuman terakhir?
>> air mineral.

11. ayat yang paling romantis yang pernah kamu dengar?
>> "ayu, i love you! haa i dah malu dah ni!" (dlm nada geram)

12. kamu suka foto?
>> suke tapi x bape suke bergambar, rase macam exhausting. apsal tah.

13. objek foto yang paling menarik?
>> objek foto? knape aku tak paham bahse melayu..

14. kamu sedang buat ape skrg ni?
>> ini soalan buduh namanye.

15. bagaimana perasaan kamu akhir2 ni?
>> impatient.

16. kamu sulung or bungsu?
>> tengah2.

17. adakah kamu manja?
>> dengan ibu. tapi aku bkn spesis manja2 gedik tu.

18. sifat kamu keanak2an atau kedewasaan?
>> ikut mood. But I’m not childish.

19. ada pet tak?
>> ade. due ekor kucing yg bergelar swinger.

20. pernah bercinta dgn org yg tak single?
>> tak penah.

21. pernah kehilangan HP (henfon)?
>> penah, macam tibe2 je ilang. padahal baru gune beberapa minit sblom tu.

22. apa yang paling besar di bilik tidur kamu?
>> katil. ehh karpet kot. tu paling lebar yek... tanak tanye isipadu?

23. kamu rindu matapelajaran apa?
>> muzik..

24. weekend ni kamu nak g mane?
>> pegi umah makngah, maktam, maklong.. gosip2.. buat bising.. makan kenyang2.. gelak kuat2.. i love them so much.

25. sudah nikah?
>> sudahhhhhhh.... tentu belum.

26. adakah kamu dye rambut?
>> iye ada ada. (mcm sivik gile aku jawab)

28. adakah kamu percaya hantu?
>> syaitan dan makhluk halus to be precise. Adelah few experiences.

29. apakah pekerjaan kamu?
>> fitness instructor <-- hoi sape punye survey aku cilok ni.. gile lah. becoming system developer.

30. adakah kamu pernah rasa bosan dgn cinta kamu?
>> penah lah, sebab tu clash. duh. rimassss.

31. lalu apa yg kamu lakukan?
>> futusss.

32. adakah kamu sedang merasa kehilangan?
>> takdek.

33. pandai bermain piano?
>> tak pandai. tapi teringin sangat nak pandai.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kisah Dolu-Dolu

Surprise, surprise!

Beberapa hari yang lepas aku terjumpa folder gambar yang asalnya daripada pc lama aku, masa tu tahun 2000-2001. Aku memang lupa aku ada simpan gambar-gambar ni lagi. I found them very very hilarious and humiliating. Tapi sebab sangat memalukan, so aku dengan willingnya nak share kat korang beberapa gambar yang ada kenangan tersendiri. So you guys will have a slight view on how I grew up. Hehe.

Ni masa first raya, kat rumah arwah Opah. If I’m not mistaken I was six at that moment. Time ni zaman takde gigi depan. Hehe. From left, my sis, my bro, me myself and my cousin, Nurul. Actually aku dengan Nurul memang kuat gaduh time ni. Asyik nak tarik rambut dan gigit tangan je. Aku sangat ganas, aku suka main dengan lelaki je. And I barely combed my hair, so kekadang dah macam anak pontianak.

Can you guess which one is me? Ni masa aku darjah satu, aku ketua kebersihan sebab aku dapat nombor tiga dalam kelas. Haha tah pape. So aku duduk sebelah ketua kelas. Gambar ni panjang lagi sebenarnya but I’ve to crop it sebab kang tak muat pulak dan terpakse resize ke saiz lebih kecil. Ni masa sekolah kat Ampang. Tengoklah betapa tergantungnya kaki-kaki aku. Haha. Aku antara yang paling kecik (17kg) dan pendek kat kelas, dan aku selalu beratur paling depan. Time ni aku selalu kena berulang-alik ke hospital tapi aku pun tatau aku sakit apa. Aku suka sekolah ni sebab penuh dengan aktiviti seni, tarian, nyanyian, short plays, alat muzik, memacam lah. So tiap tahun aku mesti terlibat dengan persembahan pentas sebab aku sangat suka menari. Aku sempat merasa tunjuk ajar cikgu Siti Hajar yang sekarang jadi guru vokal AF. Dia memang garang, siap pegang pembaris panjang satu stengah meter tu nak ketuk kaki kitorang yang salah step.

[photo removed]

Ok gambar ni sangat memalukan tapi takpe, aku tak kisah tunjuk kat korang. Ni masa aku form 3. Tak boleh blah betul tudung aku tu. Ni antara hari-hari terakhir aku kat Sungai Besar, Selangor sebelum berpindah ke Kuala Kubu Bharu. I still keep in touch with some of them thru Friendster. Membe sebelah aku tu dah nak jadi lawyer dah pun. Congrats, Wa. Tapi aku menyesal sekolah kat situ. Parti pembangkang politik cuba nak pengaruh pemikiran cikgu dan budak2 sekolah sampai sekolah tu tunggang terbalik dan terbiar. Aku hargai jasa diorang.

Hah ni masa form 5, aku seblah cikgu on his left (maknanya kanan gambar). Masalah negara betul, kot ye pun nak snap, kira lah dulu 1,2,3 kan. Aku tengah sedap usha budak klas lain masa ni. Haha. Majoriti budak klas aku adalah pengawas dan diorang ni kebanyakannye dapat 7A dan 8A je (please exclude me). Some of them dah nak jadi doktor dah.

[photo removed]

Ini besfren aku masa kat Kuala Kubu. Sblah kiri, Ayu dan sblah kanan Iera. Since membe aku dah cilok nama Ayu tu, dan aku budak baru, maka aku dipanggil Nora. Knape Nora ye? Masa mula-mula dak klas aku mintak aku tuka nama, secara spontan aku terus cakap ‘Nora’ coz it is part of my name too. So melekatlah nama tu. Tapi bila masuk MMU, aku tak mau teruskan panggilan tu since aku lebih selesa dengan nama Ayu.

[photo removed]

Ini masa English camp kat Kem Bina Negara, Ampang Pecah. Aku pun dah tak ingat apa nama budak2 ni except Iera. Berhantu siot tempat ni. Time aku on the phone malam tu, henfon aku terpadam tiba2 dan charger yang aku tengah on, suisnya ditutup. Jeng jeng jeng~!

[photo removed]

Ni masa aku first time menyanyi kat sekolah tu. Aku takdelah minat sangat menyanyi masa ni, I preferred dancing to be honest. Tapi sebab size yang tidak sesuai, maka minat aku luput macam tu je. Ngahaha. Emily yang berdiri seblah kiri gambar pun masuk MMU dan kitorang ditakdirkan satu kelas masa Alpha kat MMU Melaka. Yang klakarnye, dak2 kelas aku ramai tak kenal aku sebab diorang ingat aku ni cikgu. Sampai ada dak klas aku ni meloncat bila aku panggil nama dia, sebab dia ingat cikgu yang tegur dia. Hampes! Masa zaman skolah menengah, aku tak suke pakai baju kurung (selain uniform skolah) sebab diorang cakap aku macam cikgu. Argh!!

One thing aku suka klas ni, kitorang close dengan semua orang walaupun multi-racial. Non-malays mostly boleh cakap Melayu dengan fluent, tanpa pelat. Ni antara kenangan paling best aku kat skolah tu sebab kelas kitorang menang Kelas Paling Patriotik 2001 sempena Hari Kebangsaan. Aku rasa kitorang menang sebab kitorang paling banyak menggunakan bendera, seratus lebih. Terima kasih pada dak-dak kelas aku yang banyak sumbangkan duit untuk beli bendera2 tu. Memang seronok dan semangat sangat masa ni. Bila cikgu-cikgu yang mengadili pertandingan masuk ke klas, kitorang akan nyanyi lagu2 kebangsaan kuat-kuat sampai dak2 klas lain keluar tengok kitorang. Pastu klas sebelah pun tiru! HAHA. Kelakar siot.

Okaylah, sekian dulu edisi untuk kali ni.. Haha. Kalau aku jumpa lagi gambar-gambar huduh, aku share lagi. Apapun, inilah antara memori-memori sepanjang aku bergelar kanak-kanak dan remaja. =)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The day they shouted mayday.

Okay so the election day was over. I went out to vote with my mom around 1.30 pm. We decided to go on the afternoon to avoid the crowd. But soon after we got into the car, it rained like mad. I wanted to take some pics but because of the rain, I couldn’t get nice ones.

My mom had to vote at SK Manjoi 1 whereas I was at SK Manjoi 2. They are located side by side so my dad dropped my mom first, then me. My dad didn’t vote because his voting place was supposed to be at Batang Berjuntai which is hundreds kilometres from our home. Eventhough it was drizzly, we came at the right time. There was no queue at all and the SPR people were more than people who came to vote. I was somewhat nervous because it was my first time, but everything went fine except my jeans were dripping around the bottom because my channel was located at the end of another building (it was the last one).

Anyway, I managed to snap some pictures along my two minutes way to the schools. See the above picture (left one), that’s the Bilik Gerakan BN I was talking about in my previous entry. I took it from my bedroom. And you guys can see it was cloudy in other pictures.

Oh well, I don’t really want to talk about the shocking result (but BN won at my place). We are all well informed, aren’t we? Plus, these politics things can be freaking sensitive to some supporters, don’t know why. Guess because they’re freaky themselves. So yeah, those parties (din feel like mentioning, sorry) took over Perak. Man, it was like a bolt from the blue. I was convinced that that one party would certainly win at some places, but taking over the state? It didn’t cross my mind. Na-ah.

But we’ll see how it goes. I was shocked, totally but I could accept it. This nature-aficionado party said BN equals to Barang Naik but they made me sneered yesterday as I received news about price on some goods at their ‘territory’ had increased just one day after they took over. God bless y’all. God bless.

Hey in my next entry I’ll share some interesting pictures (nothing to do with election). So do come back, you might find them hilarious especially if you’re my friend.

So take care everyone! No matter what colours you’re obsessed with.

p/s: Oh well, please don’t drop any comment about the election result. NO sensitive issues. This ain’t ‘Warkah Untuk PM’ website. Thanks.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Ayu the Return.

I was right. My village turned into the largest swimming pool in Ipoh with not only people had to swim around, but also vehicles and furniture on the night I read the newspaper (pls refer entry on 25th Feb). Thank God, my family was fortunate enough because our house didn’t flood cause we never took swimming lessons. My mom can, though. Me too, but I’m a dreadful swimmer. People who can swim but cannot float, cannot be considered as people who know how to swim when they can just swim but cannot float. Right?

Anyway, that weekend my bro went home. Man, he’s a PC expert, I’m telling you. I think computers talk to him. Via binary code or what code, I don’t know. My PC is his regular patient, and my bro is my PC’s favourite surgeon. My computer always suffered mysterious diseases, I had asked a lot of people to fix it but it only chose my bro. Like you know, Harry Potter? The wand chooses the wizard? Nevermind that.

I did not dare to touch my computer after it’s blown up, and I left it for my bro to jinx or cast any spells that might have worked. And when you were dead sure your monitor exploded right in front of your eyes but when your bro turned it on, it functioned as per normal, what would be the first thing pop up into your mind? I had this painstaking calculation in my brain on how much I would have to spend for a new LCD monitor as well as at least something that costs hundreds inside that freaking CPU, say motherboard or hard disk, yet I just blew up my power supply box which costs around RM30. And hit me hard on this, my bro kept an unused power supply in his bedroom thus I did not have to take out a single penny out of my pocket.

I’m truly blessed, that is. Once my PC had this undefined problem my friends had tried to figure out but failed. They were confident it was either my hard disk or my motherboard (of course, we always pick the most expensive ones), and when my bro checked it for me, everything went fine. It went fine by itself. Yes.

By the way, I know some of my friends are wondering what the hell I’m up to, or at least what is my current update. I know I’ve been very quiet lately and kind of missing in action. Forgive me for that. I didn’t mean to hide from anybody, don’t get me wrong. So here I am, bringing you my latest updates. No more brain-talking stories.

Somewhere around February, I had this one interview I had been waiting for. It was for the position I desired the most, and I thank God they called me. I was nervous at first, thinking I might screw it up so I kept telling myself I would give my best shot. And the interview turned out to be the longest interview I had ever attended, one and a half hours. It was not a written or programming test, it was allll talking. For nearly two hours, I talked non-stop and I could feel how dehydrated I was. The questions, man, it started pretty well, they tested my IT knowledge and skills. And then, they started to ask me, why I didn’t want to be a police officer like my father, what my e-mail’s signature means – The world is a dangerous place not because people who do evil, but people who look on and do nothing, it’s a quote by Albert Einstein I clearly stated there. I was choked for a moment because I could not recall the whole sentence and they were smart enough not to read out for me. Besides that, there were a lot of irrelevant questions I did not want to remember.

I was like, somebody, hand me a staple gun.

Yet my smile didn’t fade away, my tone of voice was as good as ever, but my brain almost blasted into pieces. What a torture. Sometimes they even laughed hearing their own questions. They were so interested with the previous company I worked for, they asked questions like they wanted to apply a new job there. It was exhausting. I didn’t really know what I answered in the end of it and I started talking rubbish. Yet I did not take even a slight glimpse at my watch. It’s not a good body language, I kept that in mind all the time.

Finally, they asked me whether I had questions to ask and so I asked only one question. I almost said no as I was so thirsty, but I thought I should show some interest, right? Then, I was glad it was finally over. As soon as I got into my father’s car, I said, “I need to drink.”

I was saying to myself, I better get this job because of that excruciating interview. But as time passed by, I received no news. One hell of a month, I waited. I got several more interviews after that but I didn’t know why I was confident enough to decline all of them. It was risky, I know. And stupid too.

I’m not a risk-taker, frankly speaking. But sometimes I just follow my instincts. So that was what I did. It was worth it, anyway. Finally they called me and I got the job.

The HR officer asked me when I can start working, I said I would prefer after the election day. She was surprised at first, she thought I’m involved with this campaign thing. Hell no. So I told her I have to go back to Ipoh for voting. Then only she remembered I’m from Ipoh. Funny. So, I’ll start working on 17th March.

When it comes to election, I know most of my friends around my age are not interested to vote. I have to say I’m pretty excited because it will be my first time to go voting. I’d love to see how it goes. Some of you might laugh when your friends tell you they want to vote. Seriously, you don’t have to like politics in order to vote. And listen, we are part of the community, so it is part of our responsibilities. You dare say you’re Malaysian, right? So act like one.

So I guess that’s all for now. I’m sleepy, my eyes are half-closed and my mind is not in a proper state. Eventhough I am currently jobless, I barely have enough sleeps. I usually sleep at 4 or 5 am, and I have to force myself to hit the sack. I don’t take forty winks on the afternoon because I will get awful headache as soon as I get up.

But I don’t think I’m suffering from insomnia, if that’s what you’re thinking. So friends at Cyberjaya, see you soon, InsyaAllah.