Monday, August 29, 2011

7 in the morning.

It's 7 in the morning
And I can't sleep..
Keep rewinding all the crazy things we did..
Those that put smiles on our faces..
Those that caused the tears leaking from our eyes.

It's 7 in the morning
How long has it been?
How long more you want me to wait?
Above all the things you said and promised..
None of them seems true to me.

It's 7 in the morning
What should I do? What should I think?
This cold morning feels so chilly
I don't want to get up but I can't go back to sleep
And I can't even tell which one is scarier to me
The nightmare or my real life on how it has been.

It's 7 in the morning
Dear God, I have this one thing to ask from You
Please bring me the ending
Whether it's good, or bad
Somehow someday it must come to an end.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Look familiar?

Magnetism by Ahmed Mater
“The idea is simple, like its central element, forcefully attractive. Mater gives a twist to a magnet and sets in motion tens of thousands of particles of iron…”

Friday, August 12, 2011

Quiet me.

There's people who doesn't like to get along with me cause she claimed that I am a very quiet person. She's very talkative and curses a lot. I have no issues with those kinds of attitudes because I do curse and talk a lot sometimes.

I believe my old friends might find this funny though. Me? Quiet?


I always get this kind of first impression. Ayu is so quiet.

But we've known each other for a year. There are reasons why I don't talk much in front of her. Cause she talks too much so who's gonna listen?

I get along well with most of people I meet cause I don't really judge before I get to know the real them. I'm an observer sometimes. Especially to people who talk a lot.

I always let people talk. Eventhough I can be talkative but I choose who I wanna talk with. I don't talk much with people who can't shut their mouth. It's not that I dislike them. It's just that I feel it's best for me to be the listener.

I don't like being in the center of attraction.

When I'm quiet with some groups of people, it's either I choose to be a listener, an observer, or I just don't like what they are talking about (which seldom happens).

People always judge, you see. They judge others. Never themselves.

It's in our blood. Each and everyone of us. Judging silently.

I do judge sometimes. I try to educate myself not to, but I can't help it sometimes. Especially to Muslim women who show off their skins way too much. (they say it's their own skin so it's their right. not really actually. nothing belongs to you. God lends you everything you have.) But I'll always try my best not to.

I hope we all will.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kewajiban Berpuasa di Bulan Ramadhan.

Maksudnya :
(Masa Yang Diwajibkan kamu berpuasa itu ialah) bulan Ramadan Yang padanya diturunkan Al-Quran, menjadi petunjuk bagi sekalian manusia, dan menjadi keterangan-keterangan Yang menjelaskan petunjuk dan (menjelaskan) perbezaan antara Yang benar Dengan Yang salah. oleh itu, sesiapa dari antara kamu Yang menyaksikan anak bulan Ramadan (atau mengetahuinya), maka hendaklah ia berpuasa bulan itu; dan sesiapa Yang sakit atau Dalam musafir maka (bolehlah ia berbuka, kemudian wajiblah ia berpuasa) sebanyak hari Yang ditinggalkan itu pada hari-hari Yang lain. (dengan ketetapan Yang demikian itu) Allah menghendaki kamu beroleh kemudahan, dan ia tidak menghendaki kamu menanggung kesukaran. dan juga supaya kamu cukupkan bilangan puasa (sebulan Ramadan), dan supaya kamu membesarkan Allah kerana mendapat petunjukNya, dan supaya kamu bersyukur.
Surah al-Baqarah 2 : 185

So how's your Ramadhan so far? :)

Credit: Jakim and Islamic Thinking

Tuesday, August 09, 2011


Ok agak straight forward di situ. 

Anyway aku rase nak start buat Iphone application review ke atas applications yang aku pernah atau sedang guna. Aku takde la keep myself updated sangat dengan Iphone apps ni so aku pilih yang mana aku pernah guna aje lah ye. 

Ok untuk entry yang julung-julung kali bertemakan Iphone app review ni, aku nak kenal dua applications yang memiliki fungsi yang sama iaitu application untuk men-track perjalanan haid perempuan. Muehehehe.

Ha mungkin anda tak sangka kan iphone ada application sebegini? Ahaks. 

To be frank aku pun tak sangka ada application sebegini hingga lah seorang jejaka yang dekat di hati (yeaaahahaha you read it right) telah mengenalkan aku pada application sebegini setelah aku menceritakan sedikit permasalahan peribadi. Ekeke. (thank you, pakcik golek)

So application yang pertama ni dikenali sebagai Period Tracker. Ni muka depan application tersebut. Comey kan? Wait till you see the other app. Hihi. So girlish yaww~

Projected start date tu bukan bermaksud tarikh start anda boleh buat 'projek' ye. Itu bermaksud tarikh next period yang dijangkakan. Or dalam kata lain, estimated period start date. Normal cycle length is 28 days kan? Kalau korang tau cycle length korang sendiri, korang boleh adjust. To be frank aku tak pernah track my own menstruation cycle, sebab tu lah kena nag dan buat inisiatif menggunakan period tracker ni. Kuang kuang kuang.

So bila tiba hari korang datang haid, just tap on "Period just started!" and dia akan start counting your menstruation days. Habis haid, just tap one more time. Simple!

During your estimated fertility days, the flowers will bloom like in the photo above. *cough*time ni pulak la tengah subur kan*cough*. So otomatik korang tau la musim mengawan yang sesuai kan. Muahahaha. 

Besides, you  can add your own note on the days you're having your menstruation or any day you like. Contoh pada pra menstruasi, atau pada hari subur sebenarnya ada simptom-simptom tertentu, contohnye *cough*desire to be with your partner*cough* (this is medical fact ek, bukan gwa pergi reka untuk menambahkan dugaan puasa). 

Ni contoh personal note yang kita boleh add.

Ni simptom-simptom yang berlaku dan anda boleh rate tahap kekuatan simptom tu.

And these are moods that women normally have during menstruation. So pilih-pilih!

It also provides you a calendar where it marks down your menstruation, fertility and ovulation days! So contoh di atas, korang boleh rujuk lah apa-apa note yang korang add pada hari tersebut.

(info sekadar contoh)

Dan mungkin anda tidak mahu penggodek telefon mengetahui tentang menstruasi anda. Oh jangan bimbang, aplikasi ini menyediakan kata kunci jika anda mahu.

So kat sini, korang boleh adjust lah default cycle, period length (secara purata berapa hari biasanya korang didatangi haid) dan default ovulation.

Dalam application ni ada period log. So nanti dah banyak-banyak korang mark down, korang boleh lah buat analisa sendiri tentang menstruasi anda. Review ni aku buat based on free version. Ada paid version jugak ye iaitu Period Tracker Deluxe ($1.99), aku belum fikir nak purchase lagi. Antara kelebihan yang ada, boleh tukar-tukar skin, ada charts dan penambahan dari segi symptoms, moods, (30+), weight and body temperature, and also pregnancy mode to count down your EDD! (ok la lepas kahwin aku purchase. Hahaha)

Ok mari lihat second application. Fungsi sama je. Basically it offers the same features as Period Tracker but the interface somehow is more attractive. It's called Period Diary. This is the front page.

There are two more skins that you can choose from. 

Pretty, aren't they? Kenapa mesti perempuan dikaitkan dengan bunga? Oh well, dah memang cenggitu kan. Cuba ganti dengan Autobot ke.. Tak ke pelik tu. (tapi best gak.. you can go like "I hire Optimus Prime to track down my period!" haha.)

Personal Note

Mood yang anda pilih, dia akan masukkan kat bawah sekali tu.

Period log

Ada kelebihan woh Period Diary ni. It provides an online forum where users get to discuss all the related topics with each other. And also you get to share your updates in Facebook. Geez I don't think I would do that.


Okay well, there are lots more applications like these two, so you can definitely try it on your own and choose the one you like the most! :) But the ones I picked are in top 25 under Health & Fitness. Period Tracker Deluxe is currently at no 1 for Top Paid and Period Diary is no 1 for Top Free. As for Period Tracker Lite is at no 23 for Top Free.

You can also tell your husband about this so that he's aware of your mood swings when you hit your period time. LOL.

Feel free to share your opinions once you try it!

Bubur lambuk

Ok atas permintaan kawan saye, Eita, kali ni saya share resipi bubur lambuk pulak. Hehe jangan marah ye kekawan.
Image googled. TQ to those who own it.

Bubur lambuk ni banyak jenis, ikut negeri, ikut lah blah mana.. utara ke, timur ke, barat ke, tenggara ke.  So resipi yang ni, ikut suke aku. Haha. Ada orang letak macam-macam termasuklah kacang tanah dan mixed vege, dan ada jugak yang plain. So aku punye tengah-tengah sebab ada bahan yang aku tak suka so aku tak masukkan lah pasal taknak mengganggu tumpuan pemelantakan.

Resipi ini untuk sukatan 4-6 orang ye. Bahan-bahan yang saya gunakan adalah seperti berikut.

1 cawan beras
3-4 biji bawang merah atau 1 biji bawang besar (diracik halus)
5 ulas bawang putih (diracik halus)
Sedikit halia yang dicincang halus
2 sudu rempah kurma / sup
Sedikit kulit kayu manis + buah pelaga (eee kalau tergigit benda ni.. yucks) + bunga lawang <- sebenarnye bahan2 ni penambah rasa rempah tu but kekadang aku tak taruk pun sebab aku tak suka kalau termakan benda-benda ni. ATAU korang boleh guna kiub pati ayam Knorr. Ekeke.
1 mangkuk daging lembu / ayam  (potong halus)
1 batang lobak merah (potong dadu) - boleh guna mixed vege kalau suka. (saye tak suke thehehe)
2 cawan santan
Air (nak guna banyak. Maklum la nak buat bubur katenyeeewww *lempang sedas sape pakai bahse camni*)
Minyak masak

Langkah-langkahnya adalah seperti berikut

1. Panaskan minyak dalam periuk besar. Tolong jangan pakai periuk saiz ini:

Tapi pakailah periuk saiz besar ye. Tapi bukan saiz kawah please. (cube kau cari resipi yg ade pesan pasal saiz periuk. ha ado? nan ado!)

2. Tumis lah segala jenis bawang bersama halia dan rempah ratus tadi sehingga naik bau. Hmmhhhh harumnyeh.

3. Masukan serbuk kurma / sup tadi. Kalau kering sangat, masuklah sedikit air. Kang hangus melekat pulak kat dasar periuk tu kan. Masak hingga pecah minyak.

4. Then masukkan lah beras dan air. Air tu masukkan sehingga penuh 3/4 periuk. Sebab tu pesan pakai periuk besar :P  Dan jugak kiub ayam kalau anda nak bubuh.

5. Kira-kira 10-15 minit selepas tu, baru lah masukkan daging / ayam. Ada orang masuk awal-awal time masukkan beras. Aku tak galakkan sebab nanti kalau terlalu lama sangat, daging ni hilang rasa manisnya. Lagipun kita dah potong halus, so it won't take a long time to cook.

6. Agak-agak nasi dah menjadi bubur (ewah), baru lah masukkan carrot + santan + garam secukup rasa.

7. Bila dah masak, masukkan dalam mangkuk dan hiaslah dengan hirisan daun bawang dan daun sup, serta bawang goreng. Untuk menambah keenakan bubur, boleh juga makan dengan ikan bilis goreng yang rangup. (kalau tak rangup, tak best)

Anda boleh bubuh udang kering yang ditumbuk (tapi jangan sampai lumat ye) dalam menu bubur lambuk ni. Sedap tau tapi takde pun tak ape. Ada juga yang letak kerisik. Ni serius tak pernah try. Taktau la ape bezanye.

Kadang-kadang aku letak parsley flakes, blackpepper dan kentang yang dipotong dadu. Cooking ni macam innovation sebenarnye. Sentiasa berubah mengikut citarasa atau kreativiti masing-masing. Kalau rasa nak letak button mushroom ke sosej ke (tapi semua ni elok dipotong dadu ye.)... atau nak gantikan daging dengan minced meat ke, silakan aje. :)

Ada satu lagi resipi yang pantas dan laju.

Gi amik bubur lambur kat mesjid. Ahahahaksss. Oknotfunny.

Okey selamat memasak!

Monday, August 08, 2011

Sengal di bulan puasa.

(Click to enlarge)


Kenakalan saya agak sukar dibendung. First day puasa dah bikin stress pada department.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Lempeng dan Cekelat.

First and foremost I'd like to apologize for publishing this kind of entry during Ramadhan. Ahaks!

This is a simple recipe I'd like to share upon my friend's request, Mr Syahide. (see ko cakap aku tade promote nama ko kan. nak aku letak full name ke? thehehe.)

Rasanya rata-rata dah tau cemana nak buat pancake atau lempeng dalam bahasa kita. Mungkin ada sedikit perbezaan daripada segi bahan-bahan. Tapi basically sama je kot.

Untuk membuat lempeng, bahan-bahan yang diperlukan adalah :
2 cawan tepung gandum
1-2 biji telur
2 sudu susu pekat
2 sudu mentega (takde pun takpe)
Secubit garam
Susu segar / full cream (cukup untuk melarutkan bahan-bahan - bertindak macam air ler.)
1 sudu baking powder (takde pun takpe)

Sukatan ni aku main agak je ye. Sebab aku memang jenis masak tak sukat. Ikut instinct je. Hihi.

Cara-caranye mudah je.
1. Sediakan mangkuk. :P
2. Masukkan tepung + susu pekat + mentega (jika ada) + garam + baking powder (jika ada). Gaul, gaul, gaul. Pukul, pukul, pukul. Tibai, ti- eh.
3. Then masukkan susu sedikit demi sedikit sehingga dirasakan bahan tadi cukup larut. Agak-agak la jangan cair sangat ye, Shidi.
4. Kacau la sebati sambil tu..
5. Panaskan kuali, sebaiknya pakai non-stick frying pan yang leper tu la.

6. Letak sedikit minyak. Sikit je ye.
7. Pastu tuangkan lah bancuhan tadi dan masak sehingga kuning keemasan. Api sederhana. Saiz dan ketebalan terpulang pada citarasa perut.

8. Hidangkan bersama peanut butter / coklat / jem strawberi / madu / susu pekat / maple syrup / icecream dan lain-lain. Boleh jugak dimakan begitu sahaja.

Kalau ada lebih bancuhan, simpan dalam bekas tertutup dalam peti ais. Bila anda masak bancuhan ni nanti, teksturnya jadi lebih lembut dan gebu. :)

Okey untuk resipi cekelat pulak, pun sangat mudah. Bahan-bahannya adalah seperti berikut.

2 cawan milo
1 cawan serbuk koko
1/2 cawan gula
1/2 buttercup
2 biji telur
1 cawan air (atau mungkin lebih, pandai2 lah. haha)

1. Masukkan semua bahan tadi KECUALI butter dan telur ke dalam kuali dan hidupkan api (sederhana).
2. Kacau selalu hingga cukup larut dan panas.
3. Masukkan butter. (Anda boleh rasa sedikit coklat time ni.. konfem nyum nyum - sila pastikan anda tidak berpuasa pada hari kejadian)
4. Kacau dalam dua tiga minit, then masukkan pulak telur.
5. Kacau-kacau dan padamkan api. Telur ni tadi akan buat cekelat jadi lebih likat.
6. Siap untuk dijilat!

Bila cekelat dah sejuk, boleh lah simpan dalam bekas bertutup di dalam peti ais. Jadikan jem cekelat anda sendiri. :)

Kalau terase nak buat kek batik, gunakan saje resipi ni. Di akhir nanti, masukkan biskut marry yang dipecahkan.

Dan aku ade terbaca, kalau rase nak lebih hebat cekelat anda persis Nutella, bubuh kacang2 hazelnut yang telah diblend halus. But I've never tried this. Tak jamin apa-apa ye kalau anda try, tak menjadik pulak hahah.

Kalau buat cenggini pun cantek gak kan..

Lempeng tu buat nipis dan besar cam roti canai la. Then sapu cekelat, then gulung gulung gulung. Yummeyh!

Lain kali aku share cara nak buat sushi pulak. Ada orang mintak resipi dan mommy dia berjaye buat. Fiwittt caya lah!

Okey lah. Selamat mencuba. 

Burrpppppp~ (eh bukan aku, bukan aku)

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Siape kah saye di dalam lukisan?

Dah lama gila tak kena tagged. Rasanya baru kali ni kena tag dalam tahun 2011 (atau sememangnya aku tak pernah perasan ada tag-tag lain hehe).

Cik Eita telah tag saye di blog beliau untuk draw and describe yourself. Beliau cakap kena lukis guna MS Paint tapi saye tau saye tak cekap guna paint haha. Jadi beliau cakap boleh lukis guna tangan. (tak, sebenarnya beliau tak cakap, beliau tweet.)

Maka saye yang lagak bagaikan artist ni, mendesak adik saye untuk menyediakan kertas lukisan, pensel dan pemadam (sebab beliau Art student). Lantas beliau mencampak bahan-bahan berikut.

Ok melampau.

Lihat lah hasil tangan seorang system analyst (di mana lebih cekap menaip daripada menulis) yang kali terakhir melukis secara bersungguh-sungguh kira-kira 14 tahun sudah. Disebabkan ada perkataan 'describe' di dalam tag ini, maka ini lah yang cuba saya describe kan tentang diri saya....


Sesuai dengan jisim berat badan saya.

Jika hebat, sila cari habuk pemadam di dalam lukisan saye. (hahahahaha... tak perasan la dol mase snap.)

Dengan ini saya tag penaja pensil saye, lina jelina.

More Potter!

So okay what is Pottermore?

A place where only Potterheads want to be..

Okey well here's another definition.

Pottermore is a unique online reading experience created by J.K. Rowling and built around the Harry Potter books. Share and participate in the stories, showcase your own Potter-related creativity, and discover additional information about the world of Harry Potter from the author herself. ---

This is like online HOGWARTS! Where you need to get sorted into houses and score points. Cool heh? :)
JK Rowling - the first author ever to become a billionaire.

The site will be opened for all on October 2011. But one million people will be chosen to have early access to the site. Registration for will begin on July 31, Harry’s birthday. The first one million people to complete their registration, which also includes an “online challenge,” will gain early entry into the website.

You may think one million is like a high chance for you to get the early access. Think again. :)

7 books, 7 days, 7 chances.

Each day for seven days, from 31 July to 6 August, we will be placing a clue on the Pottermore homepage to help you find The Magical Quill. There will be a new clue every day, and each clue will relate to a different book in the Harry Potter series. On Day 1 the clue will relate to HARRY POTTER and the Philosopher’s Stone, on Day 2 the clue will relate to HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets, and so forth. The clues will also vary in difficulty. On Days 1-3 the clues will be harder, and on Days 4-7 the clues will be easier. --

On the first day, my bestie Fieza was lucky enough to get into time where they released the first clue and she managed to find out the answer and found the magical quill. It only took two hours for users to grab their chances till all the allocations were taken up that day. 

Yesterday I was hoping to get my chance to get the early access, so I kept refreshing Pottermore while doing my work, till I had to go back at 4pm. Yet still the second clue did not come out. I kept reminding Fieza to inform me if she knew once it's released. I went home, lying down on my sister's bed, asking permission to use her laptop. (No, actually I didn't really ask, I just sort of took her laptop and typed in "")

I continued refreshing the web like million times till I felt sleepy and finally dozed off for a few minutes when the clue came out! I still didn't realize this but I woke up and wanted to continue sleeping on my own bed. But my heart didn't feel right so I checked my Twitter and Fieza was already buzzing me.

I was like "OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD!" and quickly ran with my wobbly legs to my sister's laptop and there I saw the clue yet I was like, "WHAT IS GRYFFINDOR? WHAT IS HUFFLEPUFF? WHAT THE HECK IS QUIDDITCH? WHO THE HELL IS PROF MCGONAGALL?! WHAT LANGUAGE IS THIS?"

Mental block that was.

I was sure Fieza was screaming on top of her lungs, "AYUUU I THOUGHT YOU'RE A POTTERHEAD!"

Yet she replied,

 And she was losing her nerves waiting for my reply,

I couldn't decide whether to focus on my Iphone for my Twitter or my sister's laptop for Pottermore hence the delay. And so I replied quickly,

And then she was quiet for like fifteen seconds, and I went, 

 Hahahahaa.. Two Potterheads went nuts.

And then she asked me to choose my username..

I was like,

I was torn between NimbusBlood and MistRose before finally chose one of them which I regretted it right after Fieza registered the name for me. 

But that's okay. Oh well, Thanks to Fieza, I got my own account for early access to Pottttttterrmoree!!

The registration closed within one hour. Yep. Told you it isn't that easy. One million heh? That's like 3.5% of elves population in the wizarding world.