Monday, May 21, 2007

Random Meme.

Do you prefer to sleep or talk to a friend when it gets boring in class?
:: talk. to fall asleep is not an easy thing for me. sumtimes it takes more than a hour.

Do you wave hi with a smile or a serious face?
:: with a smile of coz.

One thing that you like about your house?
:: its kinda space-y.

The last time you cried, is it because of someone?
:: no, its because of the movie spiderman 3!

Chocolate ice cream or chocolate bar?
:: i hate chocolate, and i dun really eat ice cream.

What's the good thing about schooling?
:: u can meet ur eye-candy 5 times a week.

Which part of your body is itchy and aching now?
:: my neck. salah tido. takleh toleh kanan.

Worms or cockroaches?
:: none. disgusting! worms make me throw up.. and the worst thing bout cockroaches is they run to u! demmit.

Yawn with your eyes open or closed?
:: open.

If you can have a choice, would you prefer to be friends or attached with someone you love now?
:: i'm not in love with anyone right now..

In one word, describe your day:
:: lame~ i'm so weak today becoz of the flu and my aching neck.

What website(s) have you opened?
:: friendster, theme XP, mmls, cybertracker, my blog, hi5.

You listen to music when you..
:: in front of the pc, or bored.

What song are you listening to now?
:: Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne.

The latest news you've received?
:: there's one in the newspaper.. kakya bagitau.. herm.. psl sorg bapa yg budow telah membunuh anaknye yg berusia setahun lebey kerana suke kencing merata. sgt lah bangangnye manusia zaman kini...

Last clothing item you bought?
:: telekung.. huhu.

Name 5 things you have around you:
:: printer, specks, pencil case, watch, 2 packets of tissue.

What can't you live without?
:: air.

Who can't you live without?
:: my beloved ones.

State the date, day and time at this moment:
:: Monday, 21st May 2007, 11.41pm.

What do people think when they first meet you?
:: fat girl.

What color is your hair?
:: black

:: natural.

What was the last book you bought?
:: hurmmm.. cant remember. i dun buy books. hahaha.

Do you like reading books?
:: yeah.. novels to be specific.

Do you like answering surveys?
:: yeah when my mind is distracted and i can't study.

Last thing you did?
:: watching Pussycat Dolls Present The Search for the Next Doll - 103 - The Transformation. I lurve it.

Two things that people don't know about you?
:: im homesick at the mo, and my true feelings about ppl around me.

Are you a frequent user of myspace?
:: i HATE myspace.


I like it when...
:: it's raining.

I love it when...
:: i'm near with my family.

He knows I...
:: he? who? wha-?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Malam Menggamit Kenangan

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Dinner ni dah agak lama lepas.. yaitu err.. 5 Mei yg lepas.. berlangsung di err.. Mahkota Century Hotel, Melaka.. organized by Silat Cekak Hanafi MMU Melaka.

Mula-mula masa member Melaka cerita pasal dinner ni.. tak terlintas di hati nak pergi.. sebab baru lepas MSB.. pastu tengah tensyen dgn FYP. Then dengar dak2 juniors ni nak pegi.. cam teringin la pulak. So mula ingat nak pegi dgn Zura je.. last2 ramai pulak nak pegi.. Best, best.

Overall dinner tu bes la.. lain sket dari dinner silat kat sini.. Bak kata orang, lain padang, lain belalang.. lain lubuk, lainlah ikannya. Tapi, makanan dia.. perghhh heaven.. Sangat berbaloi dengan tiket RM30 tu.. Selalu gi dinner silat ni, tak dapat nak enjoy the food sangat sebab sibuk jadi komiti la.. dengan persembahan lagi.. Tapi kali ni, 2,3 kali bangun jugak laa amek makanan.. hehehe.. Nice.

Tapi ade satu insiden yg agak memalukan la malam tu. Tetengah ralit peratikan manusia2 yang ada.. tiba-tiba ade orang sapa bahu aku dari belakang.. ha melatah la aku.. "Oh mak aku!" Elok pulak time melatah tu, mic MC yang sapa aku tu betul-betul depan mulut.. Hiskk.. bila pulak MC main tegur-tegur tetamu ni.. sbelum tu takde pon. Tu yg aku terkejut tu..

Pastu siap suh nyanyi lak tu.. haish.. macam ada orang suruh je ni.. Memang blank la kan nak nyanyi ape.. tambah-tambah aku bukan jenis hapal lagu. Ha aku blasah je la lagu Permata Dunia. Tak boley blahhh~ hahah.

At last, baru semalam aku tau.. ini Simaa punya kerjaaa~! ooo pandai kau ye..

Pastu masa cabutan bertuah, Rais cakap dari dulu lagi.. dia tak pernah dapat cabutan bertuah.. dah bertahun-tahun, memang sekali pun tak pernah.. Then, dia pun bangun gi amek dessert. Cara lucky draw tu, diorang call no fon yang dicabut.. Tiba-tiba Rais tersengih-sengih cek henfon dan naik atas pentas. Haha. Lawak je.

Untuk exchange gift aku dapat mug harimau yang sangat comel, siap ada bunyi.. tp bukan bunyi mengaum, bunyi kucing. Hehe. Bertambah-tambah lagi mug yang ada.. semuanya orang bagi pulak tu.. I don't really mind sebab aku suka mug-mug yg macam2 fesyen ni. Tapi seriyes aku rasa bersalah gila sebab hadiah yang aku beli tu sangatlah cikainyee.. last minute beli. Huhu.. Ampunn~

Majlis habis sekitar kul 11 malam.. then kitorang mula decide nak tidur..sok nak jejalan.. yelah bukan senang nak datang Melaka.. but then, sebab dah kul 12 lebih.. kitorang pun dah penat dan tatau nak tidur mana, so kitorang decide untuk balik je.. Alhamdulillah selamat sampai pukul 2.30 pagi.

Begitulah dia.. memang betul lah malam yang menggamit kenangan.. hehehe..

Thursday, May 10, 2007

FYP Presentation

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Alhamdulillah.. akhirnye selesai lah sudah azab FYP yang sekian lama membelenggu kepala otakku selama dua semester.

Banyak gak la insiden2 yg kelakar during the presentation. Kitorang present mungkin tak se-formal faculty lain la.. kitorang banyak gelak je walaupun Coordinator, Dr. Marthandan hentam kitorang teruk-teruk. Huii dia ni, bahye betul.. the system has to be p.e.r.f.e.ct. Bila tengok system2 yg kebanyakannye lebih gempak daripada aku pun kena hentam jugak.. aku dah jadi kecut perut..

I was supposed to present at 10 am. Tapi supervisor aku tak datang-datang. Dan nama aku pun tak dipanggil. Aku terasa macam ada benda yang aku tak tahu.. but I could sense it. Bile supervisees Mdm. Rathimala dah present, aku pun gi kt Mr. Rozaini dan tanya where the hell is my supervisor. Dia cakap, "She's not coming, she has another arrangement today." Bammm~

Aku dah agak dah.. aku memang dah lama terasa macam supervisor aku takkan dapat tengok langsung system aku macamane. Even nak consult dia pun susah.. dan akhirnya she din even turn up during my presentation. I felt so left out~!

So I was the last person to present during the morning session. Sebelum present tu, diorang take five jap.. sambil tu pasang laptop, dan sibuk amek gambar. Haha. Memang tak ingat nak present agaknye aku. Mood formal tu memang dah hilang ler bila present.. duk memain je.

Bayangkan.. belum start lagi, aku dah kena. Ini kes memang kelakar la. Dr. Marthandan check aku punye documentation. Pastu die tanye2 aku bile due date.. aku heran la.. bukan arini ke? Pastu dia tanye2 lagi.. aku x faham menda.. Pastu die suh tengok cover buku aku, rupe-rupenye aku silap letak tarikh, 9 September 2007. Camne la aku bole silap ni.. actually cover tu mmg dh salah tarikh.. aku tampal je la tarikh yg baru.. tp salah jugak!! Lawak siot, blom pape dah kena gelak.

So the presentation went fine.. klik2 here n there.. sampai die xleh nk tanye pape.. hahaa.. menjadi jugak trick aku ni. mujur tak kena bash out apa2.. hehe.. lucky me. Z siap tnye, "u pakai doa ape untuk dia tak tanye banyak?" haha.

Pas lunch hour, aku dtg balik tgk kekwn present. i was really impressed with Iylia's and Raimi's systems. Gempak aa bg aku yg naif ni kan.. Iylia buat MMU Mall.. mcm online shopping for MMU students. The basic idea might not so impressive but the system was so detailed. Macam susah nak cari mane silapnye. As for Raimi's, he did Mobile Commerce for MMU students. Guna language yg kitorang tak blajar pun.. superbbb~ Ternganga aku tengok.

Anyway, THANKS to Farahani@Monyok for lending me her printer.. 400 pages tuuu aku print. steady lah! And also to Kak Mar for lending me her precious laptop! Thanks thanks thanks!! Sangat2!

Okay lahh sekarang boleh fokus pada final laks.. Tapi malam ni mau gi tengok Spiderman 3.. yeeehaa~~

"Spidermannnnn... Spidermannnn... Does whatever a spider cannn..."

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Tentang Lelaki..

01.Would you mind if your guy is fat?
> not really. lebih baik daripada kurus tapi boroi. and i dun like skinny men.

02. Would you want your guy to do house chores?
> aku sangat tak suka laki yg tak reti buat keje rumah. bukan bermaksud kena buat, tp kalau menyapu pun fail...

03. What is the maximum age gap you and your guy can have?
> At least four years older. If possible la kan.. tp mcm susah nak cari..

04. Would you mind if your guy smokes?
> i hate smokersss~!

05. Must he get good grades?
> erm... yeahh..

06. A muscular/mature guy or a childish/cute guy?
> mature. definitely.

07. Must he be popular to suit you?
> hahaha.. i dun go for famous guys.. never. they tend to be a bit arrogant and perasannn especially when he's famous becoz of the looks.

08. Would you allow your guy to join a gang?
> takyah la kot.. :P

09. Must he have perfect eyesight?
> hahaha.. does this matter? i dun even care.

10. Must he be perfect in everything?
> no, he doesnt have to. perfect guy is the most boring creature.

11. Will you be furious or worried if your guy gets into trouble with the DM?
> hah.. DM tu ape?

12. Must he be taller than you?
> yes, but not so tall.

13. What is the first thing he attracted you?
> hermm.. ntah. i dun really believe love at first sight. his smile i guess..

14. Does how much he loves you matters or as long as you love him is enough?
> how loyal that matters.. Kekadang cinta macam nak mati pun, within a split second pun boleh goyah.. Hati manusia ni bukan leh percaye~

15. Would you allow your guy to show tantrums on the elderly or worthy of respect?
> tidak patuttt! tp tengok gak laa kan kalu elder ppl tu kuang ajau tak bertempat.. sampai menjatuhkan maruah, takkan kita still nak "baik baik tuan.. saya trime.. saye mmg bodo. kecik2 tanak mampus kan.. dh besar menyusahkan tuan pulak.."

16. What if your guy's ex still loves him?
> rasa tergugat.. tp doa je lah kan.. wut to do..

17. Which of his character or looks will make you leave him?
> hypocrites.. snobbish.. liars.. egoistic..

18. Must you be his first girlfriend?
> gile la kalau ini requirement dia..

19. After marriage, must you be together or follow him back to his country or the country he's in?
> country?? hahaah.. aku nk gi Barcelona la kawen dgn Deco camnie.. Kalau negeri lelain, I dun really mind kalau kena ikut dia.. isteri kena ikut suami, bukan family lagi dah..

20. What will you do if his friends bully him?
> hahaha wut a shame.. kasik malu je. aku tinggalkan je, biar die kena buli.

21. What are the most important things you seek in your guy?
> a person who loves me for me.

22. Would you rather your guy be a studious or bad boy kind?
> baik sangat pun tak besss.. nakal sikit la.. hihi..

23. What if your good friend likes your guy?
> a bit uncomfortable lah kot..

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Forever in my heart..

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Detik-detik yang berharga telah pun berlalu.. Saat yang paling ditunggu-tunggu, kelas silat terakhir bagi kami yang bakal grad telah pun mengukir sejarahnya sendiri pada Jumaat lalu..

Sedih.. Sebak..
Air mata menemani pengakhiran kelas itu..

Terasa seronok sangat bila tengok kelas silat malam tu luar biasa ramainye.. Teringat pulak masa zaman kegemilangan batch aku dulu... sangat ramai..

Lepas kelas, naik bas, kita ramai-ramai makan sate Kajang kat Hj. Samuri. Wahh.. tak terfikir pulak nak makan satay malam tu. Ape lagi, layannn~~

Kita sampai MMU lebih kurang pukul 2.30 pagi.. Ada yang dah ngantuk, tapi aku dah mula sayu.. sebab malam tu dah nak berakhir..

Tiba-tiba Arom suruh berbaris.. buat bulatan ikut laki pompuan.. Ingatkan kenapa lah.. aku tak faham mulanya.. Masing-masing dah amek tempat, dia terus peluk member lelaki kat sebelah dia.. dan seterusnya..

Oh nehi.. I was sooo not ready~

Maka malam itu, ramai antara kita dihujani air mata..

Sebaknya lah.. tak tertahan rasanye.. Bukan aku fikir sebab nak berpisah.. tapi aku fikir this precious moment tak akan dapat dirasai lagi.. Segalanya takkan sama dah... eventhough kita akan berjumpa lagi jika ada rezeki.

Sekalipun, lepas grad, kemungkinan aku akan pulang ke Ipoh dan bekerja di sana.. tapi InsyaAllah jika ada kesempatan, aku akan turun melawat adek-adek di MMU ni.. dah sayang sangat kat korang ni.. Semuanya sekejap jer, tapi cukup indah dapat bermesra dengan korang semua.

Untuk semua, all the best. Keep in touch. Mohon maaf atas segala salah silap.. harap tak simpan dalam hati. InsyaAllah blog ini akan setia aktif selagi terdaya.. rajin-rajin jenguklah.. :)