Saturday, September 17, 2011

Celoteh ala bundle.

Lama tak berceloteh panjang dalam blog ni. So in this entry aku nak sum up lah few things yang berlaku recently.. (not so recent, last month punya cerita pun ade hehe)

1. My birthday

Alhamdulillah dilanjutkan usia untuk tahun ni dapat lagi menyambut hari lahir yang ke dua puluh tujuh. Ye tiada penyorokan umur berlaku dalam blog ini kerana tiada manusia yang semakin muda dan tiada kehidupan yang semakin menjauhi kematian. :D

Well, (uhuk uhuk).. ni kali ketiga birthday aku jatuh pada bulan puasa so seperti tahun-tahun lepas, aku tidaklah berhajat untuk meraikan ulangtahun ni dengan upacara menghembus lilin dan memotong kek. But, I did receive a surprise from someone special.. Just like last year. Tapi kali ni lagi special lah pasal aku dapat macarons, cuppies and marshmallow salut cekelat sekaligus! Hahaha... Amboi, amboi.. mentang-mentang aku seekor overweight unicorn.. dia duk pakat kasik aku makanan saja naaa..

Anyway thank you ye encik. Sangat menghargainye. Maklum la aku teringin nak makan macarons sebab kat Ipoh ni tak jumpe pulak. Biase la mase duk Selangor dulu takde pun mengidam nak makan apa-apa. Sekarang ni semua benda yang takde kat Ipoh la yang aku duk mengidam. Seb baik takde mengidam tenuk goreng kunyit ke kan..

2. Hari Raya

Harapnye masih tak terlambat sangat lah untuk aku mengucapkan Selamat hari raya pada kawan-kawan semua, yang jauh yang dekat..begitu juga pada semua yang membaca blog aku ni (tapi yang omputih-omputih tersesat masuk blog ni mintak mahap la ye). Mohon maaf pada semua jika ada terkasar bahasa, terdiam seribu bahasa, mahu pun tertulis benda-benda yang menyinggung hati kalian. 

Raya kali ni disambut serba sederhana sahaja, kecuali part baju kurung tiga pasang mungkin sedikit terlebih dari kebiasaan tapi itu pun sebab ada orang hadiahkan kain pasang. Oh bestnye. Thank you!!

Aku tak keluar sangat kali ni, prefer to stay at home je. Budak-budak pun tak ramai yang datang. Mungkin sebab cuaca yang tak menentu. Tapi aku memang suka tengok suasana hari raya pertama di luar, nak-nak aku duduk kampung kan, so suasana raya tu sangat terasa bila tengok sana-sini orang pakai baju raya. Pemandangan yang dapat lihat setahun sekali je. Yelah ada yang isi minyak pakai baju Melayu bersongkok dan sampin, ada yang beli ais pakai baju Melayu, naik motor, kereta semua berbaju raya lengkap, berhenti kat trefik light, motor kat depan penuh dengan baju Melayu berwarna-warni.. Begitu juga orang-orang yang lepak kat kedai mamak.. yang berborak di tepi jalan.. macam-macam lah.

Ok stop melalut. 

Last year, aku kehilangan iphone 3gs pada raya ketiga. So raya ketiga tahun ni, saye duduk di rumah sahaja! Trauma please. Siap ada orang pesan jangan keluar rumah. Haha takut badi le tu kan. 

Dia punyee posinggg!!!

Ofis aku ada pertandingan Raya deco. Ape lagi bukan main lagi bebudak ni pulun decorate ofis. Memula taknak masuk bertanding. Tapi bila dah separuh jalan rasa macam best pulak, join je la bertanding.

Menang atau tidak hanya akan diumumkan pada Selasa ni. Taktau le kan boleh menang ke tak. I'll let you know soon.

So ni antara sudut-sudut yang dihias. 

Meriam buluh pun ade plis!! 

3. His birthday

I have one special friend whose birthday falls on September 11. LOL. Epic. Aku send hadiah kepada beliau pada hari Khamis, pakai pos Laju so Jumaat dah sampai. Birthday dia hari Ahad. Terpaksa send awal la kan. Member punya excited nak bukak hadiah pada malam birthday pukul 12 tu sampai menggigil. Hahaha. 

One of the gifts. Saje publisiti nama sendiri plis. Haha.

Leteran dalam bentuk sopan.

Anyway, happy birthday dear you. Hope this year will bring you joy and happiness and more fat please. HAHAHAA.. Please take care of yourself. Appreciate all the beautiful things around you. Count your blessings, not your problems. :) Be thankful always and less worried on every thing! Hehe.

Good luck and all the best!

4. Hari Raya Haji.

Alkisah pasal hari raya haji pulak..

Memang takde pape la kan sebab belum raya haji lagi.. haahahahah ape deyyy~

Ok sekian dulu, daaaa..

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hi there.

I need new friends to :

  1. Go vacation with me 
  2. Spend quality time together
  3. Talk with me for hours
  4. Have someone to laugh and cry with
  5. Watch movies
  6. Go swimming
  7. Go to gym
  8. Play badminton
  9. Go bowling
  10. Be my inspiration
  11. Be my shoulder
  12. Curse me when I do wrong
  13. Go shopping

I already have friends who can do all these things with me but they are not near me. Miss you guys so much. :(

So now,
Would you like to be my friend? Hihihi..

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Hold on.

When you feel like you can’t go on...

I’m sorry that you’re hurting so desperately right now. I know how painful the seconds, and minutes, and days can be, how long the nights are. I understand how very hard hanging on is, and how much courage it takes.

I ask though that you hold onto one day at a time. Just one day, and slowly this despair will pass. The feelings you fear you’re trapped in will serve their purpose, and then fade away. Difficult to imagine isn’t it? Almost impossible to believe when every cell in your body it seems cries out in agony, desperately in need of comfort. When it feels like the only thing in the whole world that can touch your pain and banish it is beyond your grasp. And after all this time, the assurance that you will heal has become an empty, broken promise.

Hold on because it’s worth the terrible waiting. Hold on because you are worthy. Hold on because the wisdom that will follow you out of this darkness will be a tremendous gift. Hold on because you have so much love and joy waiting to be experienced. Hold on because life is precious, even though it can bring terrible losses. Hold on because there is so much that you can’t now imagine waiting ahead on your journey - a destiny that only you can fulfill. Hold on although your exhausted and your grasp is shaky, and you want more than anything to let go sometimes, hold on even though. Please hold on.

And the light, the light at the end of the dark tunnel for so long cannot be seen, although eventually you’ll begin to feel its’ warmth as you move forward. And forward you must move in order to get through the hell of remembering, of despair, of rage, of grief. Keep looking forward please. Rest if you must, doubt your ability to survive the journey if you have to, but never let go of the guide ropes, although when you close your fingers around them, your hands feel empty, they are there. Please trust me, they are there.

When you’re exhausted, when all you have to count on is a weakened, weary faith, hold on. When you think you want to die, hold on until you recognize that it’s not death you seek, but for the pain to go away. Hold on, because this darkness will surely fade away. Hold on. Please hold on. - Tammie Byram Fowles, LISW, Ph.D

Don't give up, just hope.