Thursday, September 12, 2013

Wound dehiscence.

Wow Weee!!! I missed August for my blog entry. Wait, do I still have readers? :P

Anyway, I just went back from a trip to Mabul Island, Sabah. It was awesome but I lost a few things during this trip. Redha je lah nak cakap pe lagi kekeke.

Referring to my last entry, I did mention about my tiny little surgery that didn't go so well. I suffered this so-called wound dehiscence twice. Basically it's a surgical complication which a wound ruptures along surgical suture. Dalam kata lebih mudah paham, luka surgery tidak mahu bercantum seperti yang sepatutnya so menganga je lah dia takmo tutup-tutup. Ngeri je statement kan haha.

But yeah that's what happened after the sutures were removed. I could see the raw meat inside which was kinda horrifying till I didn't dare to show it to anyone except my surgeon. So since it was deep, I had to go back to OT and stitch it up again! Dah la sehari sebelum puasa, terpaksa la first sahur sesorang kat hospital. Sedih wo. Masa mula buang cyst tu, I received 5 stitches. So this time, I had 12 stitches. Sakitnye tu.. susah aku nak explain haha. Sebab surgeon terpaksa tarik kulit aku. Sedar-sedar je, terus mintak painkiller. Oh yea they put me to sleep (GA) since I had a bad experience with local anaes (some stupid allergy reactions that got me rushed to the general hospital).

Second admission

Dalam seminggu jugak la aku menanggung kepedihan sampai habis painkillers. Tapi puasa tetap carry on je. Hehe. Bila surgeon aku tu buat dressing, pergh punye la pedih sikit je lagi nak terlempang dia. Then hari ke 10, dengan rasa berdebarnye, surgeon aku remove 3 stitches je dulu. Nampak ok, tade terbukak. So beberapa hari lepas tu, buang lah yang selebihnya.

I had to be reaaaaally gentle during this period. Yelah cuak beb kot terkoyak lagi. I saw wound tu cam dah nak melekat... ada selaput putih yang mula menutupi luka tu. So ok lah kot ni kan.. Surgeon cakap, it looks good so lepas sebulan boleh jumpa dia.


Tak sampai tiga hari lepas last checkup dengan dia, aku bangun pagi dan tengok dah terkoyak separuh. Tak keruan jugak la masa tu. Esoknya, terkoyak lagi. Dah lah tengah bulan puasa. Aku tengok the  wound was not deep like last time. But disebabkan ini hati sudah gundah gulana dan member pun advised suruh pergi jumpa balik surgeon aku, aku pun terus lah bersiap ke hospital.

I was lucky as she was around when I arrived and there was no patient in queue. Bila aku sampai je kat kaunter klinik dia, staf dia cam heran apsal aku datang, "Eh Ayu, kenapa?"

My surgeon heard my name and quickly asked me to enter her room. Dengan muka cuaknya dia menunggu aku sambil berdiri, "What's wrong? I thought it was ok last time?" Aku pun cakap la aku pun taktau kenapa dia terbukak balik bla bla bla dengan nada separuh panik.

Dia pun cek, "Haih ya lah. It opened up again, why yah?"

Tanye aku pulak.............

I just said, "Please don't stitch me up again."

"No, no. No more stitches." Perghhhhhh...lega.

So what to do. Terpaksa la wound dressing hari-hari. But I didn't mind sebab sebelum tu pun aku dah dressing hari-hari. Sometimes darah mengalir keluar please. And also fat melting. Tiap kali nak dressing, kena lah tabahkan hati melihat wound tu. Ape nak buat. Orang lain lagi teruk kot. Aku ni minor surgery je pun..dalam 7cm je. Tapi banyak pulak cerita dia.

Just in case you're wondering, yes I did take supplements for faster healing. Ikan haruan... pati ikan haruan yang horror gile nak telan tu.. gamogen.. even saline pun aku pakai yang mahal punye. Punye la nak cepat baik wu wuuu..

The reason I had this complication is due to the surgical area.. which is very unfortunate for me..agak tak strategik. Awkward position bak kata surgeon aku. Susah nak heal coz the area tak expose dengan baik. Payah lah aku nak cite haha. Tambah lagi dengan badan aku yang overweight ni! Ni punca lah ni, punca!

So yeah I had quite a hard time at that mo so nak update blog pun tade mood sangat. Sekarang ni alhamdulillah dah bertambah baik.

Kalau boleh, takmo dah lah masuk OT tu. Seram lagi menyeramkan. Kena pulak aku punye urat ni susah nak jumpa. Both times aku kena dua kali cucuk oleh pakar bius. Second time masuk OT tu, punye lah sakit sampai aku mengeluh. Bukan tak biasa dengan jarum, derma darah pun dah 7 kali, blood test dah berpuluh kali tapi kalau aku mengeluh tu dah tahap takleh tahan dah la tu.

Begitu lah kisahnye uhuhuu.

TQ pada semua kawan-kawan yang mendoakan agar saya cepat sembuh.

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