Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Dem. I thought I was gonna take just a few days to update my blog after my previous entry. Time flies, blame me not.

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Okay well last month (yea, you read it right), I had this enjoyable weekend with my friends and MMU juniors because we had the chance to go for a really cool program which is called err..gimme time to recall.. Old New Gathering at Port Dickson. Man, did I ever tell you I like beach like a LOT? But I managed to keep my darkest secret about this one phobia I have since I was a kid. Thank God my friends didn't find out. Anyway, I'm freaking scared with sea during nights. Even when I go to the beach at night, I'll always keep myself away from the water. I don't dare to even feel the water with the slightest touch of my fingers. Dark sea scares me, I don't know why. I feel like it's haunted.. not that kind of dark spirits or ghosts but hurmm.. I feel like the ocean wants to drag me into it. Ahahaha. Nuts.
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It was a very good activity, more like a very nice vacation to me. Congrats to the director, Cma as well as her committees. Good job. =) And yeah not to forget to those who were glad enough to help and contribute their super cool ideas.

I won't forget my first time experience riding the banana boat. Damn it was humiliating. Personal apology to Bern, Fezal, Ezwan and Shidi. I can assure you I won't be riding it ever again, not at least I lose 45 pounds. I'm currently losing weight, most probably around 7 kilos now but I'm not really happy with it. I'm so used to being fat, and it hurts me when some of my clothes starting to loosen a bit and I'm worried when people told me my cheeks are not that chubby anymore. This might sound silly but I don't like skinny face.

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Anyway, I'm not gonna talk about PD Gathering that much since it was like ages ago. The latest program I joined is Majlis Sanjungan Budi 2008. It was an appreciation dinner for Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Hanafi MMU Cyberjaya. The theme was Metro - Red, White and Black and everyone was dressing like it was an Academy Award show. I must say it's the best MSB I've ever attended so far. Excellent job, committees. I had a really good laugh while watching the video and sometimes I did forget that I was sitting at the VIP table.

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Okay lah beb, gwa ngantok aa. Lain kali sambung.

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