What a weeeek..
The workload seems to reduce but I've been going home very late lately, around 1 am. Not because of my job, but some activities I was involved with. Pretty exhausting but nevermind that. In fact, I'm going out again tonight after work to somewhere with someone. Hehehe.
Today I'm wearing baju kurung to work (second time in almost four months) as I agreed with Jannah and one of our officemates, Lim asked, "Why you both wear so nice today?" That proves how 'simple' we are when we go to work. Haha. After lunch, he came to me and asked again, "You got plan ha today? Wearing so nice."
Tomorrow I will be working (I know it's Saturday) but I have something to do on the afternoon so most probably I will take a half-day leave. I don't care what my team lead wants to say.. Boo~!
On Sunday, I have another plan. Wait, what is it? Hurmmm.. Oh yeah, I'm going out with my friends to watch a movie.. err.. can someone recall for me what the title is? Ow crap. Nevermind that, I'll watch whatever it is.
And next weekend, I've a plan too. My girls are coming to my home and we're going out to watch Dark Knight. Yeeehuu~~ So I'm planning to make some spaghetti for them and some of my friends. We'll see. InsyaAllah. Wow, I'm fully booked, as always. Ha-ha.
I'm very much attracted by this one article written by whoever-he-is-God-bless-you. I take it as a humour, no personal judgement whatsoever. Asked me nothing, I'm also a confused citizen like what Bern feels. Haha.
Last Sunday, as I mentioned in my previous entry, me, Icun, Shidi and Faiz had a bowling tournament organized by Msjbox. Damnnn they were all professional players! Guess what place we got. Duh, 25th of out 28 teams! Luckily my father, my mom and my sis came to see me playing and I straight away insisted my mom to replace me as I truly suxx at bowling. I scored 111 pins for the first game. Nice number anyway. Got only 3 strikes. My mom came at the right time, so she played for 2nd and third game.. and she played wayyy much better. I'm not saying this because she's my mom but she was so cool, she waited for her turn while reading newspapers with my father like having a cup of coffee on a lovely Sunday morning and that caused my friends a great depression. Haha.
And in case you're wondering, no, I didn't get Ratu Longkang title since my mom replaced me. Oh yes, we were also on the newspaper. Ahaa.. no kidding. View it here

My sis plays better than me too. Ok fine, in fact in my family and cousins, I am the worst bowler. Deal.
After the tournament, we went to watch Hancock which everyone said it's a good movie. To me, it's just okay. It's funny but I did not expect that love can cause Hancock to be weak. Please be noted I don't like movie reviews and I don't read synopsis. I feel like somehow the movie brings a message to people that everyone is made for each other and love can cause you pain no matter how beautiful it is. There you go. Last Wednesday, I met someone who has my highest respect and gratitude. He gave so many advices and talked about so many things that I did not realize I was doing. It hit me like a rock but I truly grateful to endure the pain. I came to my senses that I was being plain choosy in my life and I slipped off things that I thought I did not deserve. As well as things that I thought I needed. Things that I thought could complete me. Things that I thought would make me happy. You can't tell what you deserve and what you don't. You can't tell who you will end up with, who is waiting right at the end of the path that we wish one day we will walk through with blessings and happiness.
There's been a few things I've been thinking lately but I couldn't get a hint. Some were answered that night. I nearly cancelled my plan to see him but it's already written I would get what I seeked for at last. Thus for this, I thank God.
Anyway, I'm going home now. Before I end this, I'd like to quote something that my coder from China, Spring shared with me today.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot- proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
To Spring, thanks for sharing. Now let's get back to our defects.
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