Friday, May 28, 2010

My first time

This is the first entry I write via phone. Kinda cool tho'.. Thanks for those who created this app.

Yesterday I got a new friend..

Thank you for being my friend. You know who you are, 'uncle'.

Gotta go. My parents are coming. Hopefully everything will be fine tomorrow. Please pray for me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Whatever crap you're giving.

It's almost midnight and I just can't sleep.

I just went back from IOI Mall to watch Shrek The Final Chapter in 3D. It was cool and exciting. We went into the hall when the movie just started so I had problems adjusting my eye sights with the 3D effect. It was a little dizzy at first but then I was okay.

The movie was great but at some point I felt sad cause this is the last Shrek. But come to think of it, it's the fourth installment!

The hall was not full.. there were lots of empty seats. I wondered whether it's because people do not know IOI now has 3D or because it's Wednesday.

Somehow, Princess Fiona reminds me of myself. LOL. Frankly speaking, it's because of her size. We have the same size perhaps!! ROFL.

Shrek is about friendship.. It's about how friends complete each other. It's about the bond of friendship which is pure and honest. It's something we go through thick and thin regardless who our friends are. It's something we should value and stop being selfish.

Yesterday I learned something new about friendship. Someone who I just recently knew showed me what kind of friend he would become. It was devastating and he really broke my heart. So I told him, "You didn't get what you expected and I have nothing to offer so I think it's best for us to end this."

I really don't care who you are, you know. I can be a good friend, if you want me to. Be it whether you're ugly, you're short, you're fat, you're dark, you're poor.. I don't care so long you want me to be your friend. I don't judge people so don't force me to. You're asking something from me that I can't give, so why bother staying?

Someday I hope you'll learn how friends are supposed to be.

p/s: Blogger needs to do something with their coding. It says I have 15 comments to be moderated when there's actually only three. And this happens all the time.

Monday, May 24, 2010



Belum apa-apa dituduh judging.

I'm not judging.

I'm just hoping you're not that same type I always met.

Suka hati lah.

Kita sama-sama kecewa.

Congrats you. Congrats me.


Kenapa tiba-tiba rajin update blog?

Sebab dah 3 hari ban facebook. Maka banyak masa nak layan benda lain termasuk blog.

Kenapa ban facebook?

Sebab cuba mengajar diri sendiri bahawa benda itu bukan satu kemestian dalam hidup.

Sebab tak mahu facebook menjadi satu addiction pada diri sendiri.

Sebab tanpa facebook, banyak benda lain aku boleh buat!


Hari tu, housemate cakap ade seekor anjing masuk ke kawasan rumah. Maka dia menghalau anjing tersebut. Anjing itu marah lantas beliau bangun dan terus kencing di tayar belakang kereta saya sebelum berambus dari perkarangan rumah kami.


Beliau sungguh cilake.

Tak pasal-pasal kereta aku jadi mangsa najis mughallazah!

Awal bulan ni patut aku dapat geo lens yang aku order dari Internet (biase la aku ni kalau boleh semua benda nak beli online). Tapi tak sampai-sampai seperti yang dijanjikan. Maka aku contact lah orang yang jual lens tu. Dia pun check kan guna tracking number dan didapati benda tu dah delivered dah pun.

Aku pun check sama. Dan memang dah sampai. Dengan rasa kecewa, aku call pos malaysia. Nak check siapa yang sign parcel tu. Tup tup item tersebut tak perlu ditandatangani (wah lama tak sebut ni). Punah harapan.

Berkali-kali tanya receptionist office aku tu samada dia nampak ke tidak parcel aku. Masalahnya sejak akhir-akhir ni, receptionist ni salu tukar-tukar orang. So aku tak pasti siapa yang bekerja tanggal 7 Mei sebagai receptionist Prudential Services Asia. Lagipun minah ni dah biasa dengan aku sebab aku memang salu sangat dapat surat dan parcel. I believe she would've remembered if really she was the one who received it.


Sekali lagi, nasib tidak menyebelahi aku.

Tadi kelas piano, belajar teori je. Fuh.. pantas sungguh.. dah nak naik level seterusnya. Gile fast track. Cikgu cakap aku rajin, maka kalau boleh dia nak cepat habis kan. Bermula dari preliminary, pastu level 1.. sekarang nak level 2 dah.. dalam masa 2 bulan. Ahahaha. Ye adik-adik kecik yang sama belajar dengan akak, jangan jeles ye adik-adik. Akak naik bullet train. Budak kecik takleh. Kakaka~ (Ade ke dengki dengan budak kecik.)

Sayang sungguh aku tak dapat nak sambung. Next week kelas terakhir sebab Jun aku dah sibuk nak pindah Ipoh. Most probably aku akan sambung kat sana. InsyaAllah. Sayang wo~ Cikgu pun tak bagi aku stop.

Aku ni banyak cerita remeh-temeh nak share. Tapi bila update blog, tak ingat pulak. Hehe. Lain kali aku cerita. Kalau ingat.

p/s: Rabu ni tengok Shrek 3D.. the last Shrek. Masalahnye yang Shrek 3 tu pun aku tak tengok lagi. Hahaha. Ada dalam pc ni tapi malas gile nak tengok.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

When money flows like river..

Hari tu berjalan ke Jalan TAR sorang-sorang. Memang plan nak shopping bersendirian hari tu so tak lah ajak sesiapa. Akibat tiada kekangan dari mana-mana pihak, terhabiskan duit hampir RM400 di situ.. memborong tudung sebanyak 40 helai dan sepasang baju kurung berharga RM100 lebih.


Berjalan tanpa henti. Letih siot. Tapi best. Lepas tu jumpa kawan-kawan pergi Pavillion.. Jalan lagi.. Tapi dah takde benda nak beli. One thing about me, I don't like being in a shop for too long where there's nothing for me to look for. So sedar tak sedar, dah berjalan sesorang masuk Parkson la hape lah.. dah malas nak patah balik.

Then we went to watch err.. cite ape ar.. ish tak ingat pulak. Haha. Ohhh hah.. cite hantu.. err.. haa Nightmare on Elm Street. Kah kah. Gila struggle nak ingat. I have a problem with horror movies. Especially those from Hollywood. They do not scare me at all. Sekadar efek bunyi terkejut-kejut tu..alahai~ I am used to friends saying I have no emotion when watching that kind of movies.

Nightmare on Elm St was first released in 1984, the year I was born. I grew up with the films which if I am not mistaken there are 6 installments in total. The final installment came out when I was 7 years old. They were my favourites when I was a kid. Ada satu lagi horror movie.. tak ingat lah tajuk dia.. I think my brother remembers the title. Itu pun best. Jap jap google.. kot-kot jumpe.. Ish tak jumpa pulak. There's some more, Poltergeist series. Tu pun best. The Exorcist pun not bad but tak minat sangat la.

Yes yes..dah jumpa. The Evil Dead! Fuh best. Sila tengok. Scenes hantu-hantu meratap sayu dari bawah tanah sangat horror.

So growing up with horror movies as my junk food, I think that's the reason why horror films now are almost nothing to me. Seeing Nightmare on Elm St 2010 as a remake of the movie, I personally think the effects are better yet somehow I wished the plots are fresh instead of a remake. Sebab masa tengok movie tu, aku dah tau apa nak jadi.

Anyway semalam pergi hospital jap.. amik surat from my immunologist. Dia cakap datang amik je.. if dia takde, suruh amik kat nurse dia. Tapi masa sampai, dia ada lagi.. and he asked to come and see him. Cis.. kena bebel pulak. But it was good for me. He advised me not to have too much stress as it can trigger my disorder but his explanation did give me a pressure. He was not so keen with my idea to move to Ipoh and at the same time having to come to Shah Alam every weekend for my Master and plus I am working. All these things cause me stress. Mane laa saye tau, encik doktor..and stop saying "I'm not trying to scare you."!

But that's not the bad news for me. It's something else about my risks, my future and how I need to live with it for the rest of my life. I think I'll just keep the saddest part to myself. :)

Therefore friends, please pray for me for this coming Saturday. I just need one good result. Just this one.

"You sound like it's my last resort.." I said slowly.

"I'm sorry. You're right. It is," he answered. Susah nak decribe apa aku rasa masa tu.

Anyway since the hospital is in Bangsar, I went straight to Midvalley right after that. To be frank, I hate Midvalley. It's too crowded for me. I did not plan to buy anything yet I purchased a C&K wallet! And a few Body Shop products! God damn you Evil of Lust!

The worst thing is today I went to Body Shop twice at JJ Equine and again I bought a few more. I bought BS stuff three fucking times in a row.

I need help.

I was not supposed to be their member. Period.

p/s: I was right. Did not manage to buy anything for a gift at Midvalley.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sampai jumpa.

Semalam share banyak benda dengan seorang kawan. Dah lama tak macam tu. Ingatkan memang takde peluang dah... Too many things happened between us until I had doubts whether we are still bestfriends..

Glad you shared so many stories with me.. four hours didn't seem enough, huh? Tu pun terpaksa stop sebab pundi kencing masing-masing tidak sporting. Haha.

Kini dah tahu aku benci kerana sayang. =)

Apapun, you know who you are. So thank you, buddy.

Perpisahan itu menyakitkan. Tahu. Tapi, sekurang-kurangnya dah jumpa satu hikmah. Alhamdulillah.

Terima kasih, Allah. Kerana anugerah Mu tidak ternilai.

Anyway, I can't wait to move to Ipoh. Makin dekat, makin tak sabar. Menggelejat bak kata orang Perak? Ahaha. Sorry, saya anak kelahiran Perak tapi kurang fasih menggunakan loghat Perak. Kadang-kadang balik Ipoh, nganga dengar mak sedara bersembang. Pastu bila dah tanya makna, haram nak ingat.

Isnin ni ada farewell lunch. Hari tu dah farewell lunch dengan a few colleagues. This time with my Project team. 7th June is another farewell with my former team. 11th June again another farewell with close friends at the office.

Oh I am so going to miss them.

19 Mei yang lepas adalah ulangtahun hari kelahiran adik aku, Iena. Sori ye, tak sempat buat special entry. Happy Birthday, my sis. Ye kak Yu tahu kamu tengah godek-godek E-bay. =p

Semalam tak boleh tidur sebab pukul 2.40 pagi baru nak panjat katil. Bila dah terlepas timing berlepas ke Dreamland ni, selalunya memang terkebil-kebil selama sejam baru dapat lena. Mimpi pulak sayu je. Bangun-bangun, pagi yang mendung menyapa. Datang office, tak boleh nak buat kerja. Mujur ada coders di China yang sangat memahami dan senang diajak berborak. Sedih nak tinggalkan diorang ni.. Tapi sebab ada tiga minggu lagi, malas nak fikir dulu. Macam-macam nickname diorang bagi aku.. Princess, Witch (dia suka buli aku), MeiMei (younger sister in Mandarin), Pretty, Sugar.. banyak lagi lah. Haha.

So sekarang rasa mamai-mamai dah lah ni. Esok kena bangun awal sikit sebab nak kena pergi Hospital jap. Dah alang-alang gi Bangsar, confirm singgah MidValley. Boleh lah nak cari hadiah. But I am very fussy.. So don't want to put high hopes.. Beli hadiah ni adalah sesuatu yang amat sukar bagi aku ye. Pergi empat shopping mall pun belum tentu dapat satu.

Ok saya sudah menguap. Sampai jumpa.

Random thing: Tak tahu lah kenapa.. aku suka bila kawan-kawan panggil aku "Yu" sahaja daripada "Ayu". Frankly speaking, it makes me feel closer to that person. Weird me, huh?

Engineer's calculation

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Careless me.

Just a few things to update.

About a dinner I mentioned in one of my recent entries, I finally made my decision to go and the best thing is, I won the Best Dress Award. Hahaha.

Aku ingat bebudak ni dress up gile babi la. Macam MSB dulu before aku grad. Tengok-tengok semua macam simple je. Hahahaha. Totally didn't expect to win sebab aku beli dress tu pun online je kat E-Bay berharga RM48. Kakaka~~

Anyway, I am supposed to be admitted this Friday. Tapi dengan bijak pandainya, atas kecuaian sendiri, I accidentally broke the rule doctor had given me which is not to take any kind of antihistamine especially the one that he had provided me one week prior to my admission.

Al-kisah time lunch, aku kena food allergy and my inside mouth was terribly itchy and began to swollen a bit so I immediately took my Aerius and then only after I went back to office, I knew I had done wrong.

Masa tu rase nak jerit sekuat hati pun ada. I quickly emailed my doctor and asked him, "This afternoon, I took a tablet of Aerius due to food allergy. May I know whether this is okay since we have arranged to do the test on 22nd May (Saturday)?"

Dengan sepantas kilat dia reply sambil membebel-bebel, "...aerius unfortunately can stay in the circulation 1-2 weeks. but that is how it is, if you need to take antihistamine, then one needs to do so. with that, we would have to reschedule."

Pergh~ Terus rasa nak lempang diri sendiri. Tak berhenti geleng kepala. Tak percaya. Lagi tiga hari jeeee aku nak lepas test bodo ni and I obviously did not want to wait any longer. Hanya kerana kelekaan diri, terus pamm tunggu lagi 2 minggu.

Adui.. saba yu, sabar....

Anyway, about the news I said previously, I am moving to Ipoh soon. Did a mini farewell at Kampung Baru. Layan sate minang. I love it very much but not everyone likes it.

Thanks for those who came!!

Nak cerita satu cerita hiba..

Tempoh hari pergi pasar malam. Masa tengah jalan-jalan, nampak sorang ni tengah goreng keropok lekor nya.. Tiba-tiba kuali besarnya terbalik lantas kakinya bermandikan minyak panas.

Dia pakai selipar getah.. selipar mencair, terus sepantas kilat dia cabut.

Aduh azabnya...

Hati luluh tengok dia. Menahan kesakitan. Ada orang approach, suruh jirus air. Tapi kakak sebelah gerai cakap, tak boleh nanti menggelembung.

Sebagai seorang certified first aider, aku rasa terpanggil untuk membantu, tapi ramai sangat orang dan orang gerai tu tak nak bagi jirus air. Sebaliknya disuruh jirus dengan minyak masak yang tidak digunakan.

Apa yang aku belajar, bila kulit melecur, hendaklah terus-terusan menjirus air lalu ke permukaan kulit. Punca kulit menggelembung bukan kerana air tapi kerana haba yang terperangkap di bawah kulit tadi jadi kerana itu la kena menggunakan air lalu.

K la nanti update lagi. Banyak nak cerita. Tapi takde mood sangat la. Penyesalan memakan jiwa (boleh buat tajuk lagu rockapak k).

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I dropped by at the clinic to collect my blood test report. Budak kaunter tu suruh masuk jumpa doktor but I said, "Nevermind. Biar I tengok sendiri."

I saw my WBC and platelets count are still abnormal. In fact, my white blood cells show the highest reading I've ever seen in my lab results. Yet eventhough my platelets are high, it's not the highest reading so I felt so relieved. I was pretty ok with the result because I did not expect any improvement but I hoped they are not too high than before.

Under the film section, I saw quite a number of abnormalities detected.

"Many ovalocytes seen.. Some stomatocytes seen.. Some polychromatic macrocytes seen.. There is a moderate leucocytosis.. There is a moderate bla bla.. There is a mild bla bla.. The neutrophils show bla bla..." and so on.

I was like, "Ok.. apsal banyak sangat ni?" Berkerut-kerut aku membace istilah2 perubatan ni. Haha.

Last-last aku cakap, "Saya nak masuk jap jumpe doktor."

"Dr. Vasuki takde. If you nak jumpe dia, you datang esok. Sekarang ni doktor lain."

"Takpe lah. Tak kisah."

I went in and oh God, the doctor.. he was like drunk! His eyes were so red and he couldn't sit straight and his head went dancing left and right and left while reading my result.

Sambil membaca, sambil mencebik.. then tengok aku. Dia ni kenapa? Lempang kang.

Then die geleng-geleng, "Don't worry.. It's slightly high.. Did you get any blood infection lately?"

Ko tanye akuuuu??

Then he was like mumbling "It's ok.. Nothing serious.."

"Nothing to worry?" I cut his words.

"Ermmmmmmmmmm... Yeaaa.." he answered while his head dancing again.

I was like screaming in my head, "YOU ARE LIKE THE WORST DOCTOR EVER."

Anyway, Thomas Cup is now started. Ada kekawan ofis yang tapau lunch dan makan kat pantry sambil layan piala Thomas. Pastu pukul 3 kang.. ade la yang curi-curi tengok jap.. then tadi Malaysia start lawan pukul 6 lebih.. terus stop buat keje, gi tengok.

"I won't claim OT. Just assume now I went back already," my friend said while watching the game. Haha.

Anyway, sedikit teguran kepada semua rakyat Malaysia.

Mungkin team negara kita tak sekuat dulu. Mungkin team kita banyak kelemahan. Tapi harap bersikap terbuka lah sedikit. Sport minded kena ada. Bila team kita kalah, kenapa kita suke mencemuh dan mengkritik? Masalahnye, korang tu bukannya bagus pun! Wakil negeri pun belum tentu, ini kan wakil negara!

You're putting too much pressure on our national team. Sedih tengok supporter kita ni yang suke mengutuk dan menghina team sendiri bila kalah. Rasa-rasa kalau Jepun kalah tadi, rakyat Jepun akan cerca team diorang tak?

Sikap orang Malaysia ni kadang-kadang terlalu emosional dan tidak matang. Kalah dan menang tu kan adat pertandingan. If you put yourself in their shoe, you would know how much pressure they are having. Kite tak tau tapi kita cukup lah pandai memberi kejian.

Bawak-bawak bertenang dan muhasabah sikit. Ko tu dah tua kot!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Unsettled business.

Exciting weekend I had. My family had a small celebration for Mother’s Day as well as for my brother and sister’s birthday. Buat sekali harung je. Senang.

Alhamdulillah dikurniakan family yang sempurna. Eventhough kadang-kadang aku mengharapkan aku mempunyai ramai adik-beradik tapi Allah itu lebih Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk hamba-hambaNya. Betul tak?

Dulu pernah memasang angan-angan. Nanti dah kahwin, nak lima anak. Tapi, sekarang umur dah 26. Tak sempat dah kot? HAHA.

Finally I broke the shocking news to my close friends. Aih… tak sangka la pulak sampai ada yang menangis. I really didn’t mean to make them sad. To be frank, I did not feel sad until they cried. There was one day, I was sms-ing my friend while driving (I know the law forbids that) and suddenly I felt sad with what I said and I really cried in my car when I was stuck in the jam.

They are like the closest persons besides my family so I could feel their sadness.

Some of my friends still have no idea about it so I am not ready to share the news in my blog yet. Soon, I promise.

Anyway, finally confirmed on the date with my immunologist to be admitted to the hospital again. He is super busy but I totally understand because there are not many specialists like him in Malaysia. Plus, he’s also a pediatrician and that tells another story. I swear to God, when I finally find at least one painkiller that I’m not allergic to, I won’t bother troubling myself into this stupid test anymore. I SO HATE IT! Why, you, IgE, are so high?!! EEEEEEE!!

Been neglecting my blood disorder for quite some time cause I need to focus on my allergy issue first. To be frank, I almost did not care about it anymore until I had a really bad chest pain last Friday. But at first I was not really worried. I still could talk but when I put a little more pressure to my chest, for instance, laughing, it hurt like hell. I suffered for like three hours and finally made a decision to go to the clinic because the pain came from my left chest (read: heart). But by the time I went to the clinic, the pain was already slowly gone. Hahaha.

Doctor could not tell what was wrong so I told her about my medical history. So she urged for a blood test. I asked her just for confirmation, “That’s for my platelet count, right? And my white blood as well?” She nodded and said, “This is for your heart.” I remained silent, wow that sounds scary. She continued, “If it’s too high, we will contact you and you need to rush to the hospital.”

Can we like, ban the word “hospital” from now on?

Then I went out from the room and went to the counter, “Berapa lama baru dapat result?”

‘Tiga hari.”

Terus aku pecah perut ketawa. Three days! By that time, I would have collapsed if my heart really has a problem.

So yeah, three days passed and nothing. They did not call me back. This is like my 50th blood test so I know regardless the result is good or bad, you still have to inform the patient. Maybe tomorrow I’ll drop by at the clinic to collect my blood test report.